We hear of so many people detoxing these day People are misusing detoxing and I thought it would be good to write some do’s and don’ts s.but first I want to briefly explain that detoxing is “NOT” meant as a way to lose weight. Detoxing “IS” meant to be used to rid the body and mainly the liver of unwanted and unneeded toxins. The second thing a detox also can do and is meant to do is psychologically and emotionally detox. You really should not do a detox without a Health coach guiding you for many reasons.
Let’s discover my suggested do’s and don’ts:
- “Don’t” do enemas like suppositories. They can dehydrate you quickly. If you are going to do an enema “DO” a coffee enema and a FYI if any water remains it’s because you are already dehydrated.
- “Don’t” be drinking, coffee, soda or teas, anything that is processed or has caffeine. “DO” drink good filtered or alkaline waters. Flavor with natural items like infusing your water cucumbers, any kind of berry, lemon, lime or oranges. Drink at least half your current body weight in ounces a day. This means if you weight 150 lbs now you should consume 75 ounces a day or more. If you’re not doing this you are dehydrated. If you do not hydrate enough your body can not rid itself of all the toxic waste.
- “Don’t” eat anything and everything the day or two before hand and overindulge yourself just because your going to be doing a detox. This is a very bad mistake. Instead “DO” start setting yourself up for success by cleaning out your cupboards and refrigerator of the things you can’t eat or would tempt you. Tell family and friends and ask them to support you.
- “Don’t” Just wing your detox. I mean don’t just tell yourself I am going to research this on the internet and wing it. Detoxing is important and it’s important to do it correctly or you could be setting yourself up to do more harm than good. “DO” talk to a health coach and one who specializes in detoxing (FYI not all health coaches are the same make sure you get one who has went to accredited school and is certified) . Also “DO” plan your week or month out in advance. Make a shopping list, make out a daily routine for yourself because it’s important to plan it out and do your best to stick with the plan. Make your meals ahead of time and prepare snacks for yourself so if you get hungry and tempted to have a quick go to to head off those cravings.
- “Don’t” just go to work and come home and sit on the couch. “Do” exercise daily and I mean daily during the detox. I highly suggest rebounding because it’s so great for lymphatic movement. Exercise just isn’t for losing weight you know. Exercise gets your blood flowing, stimulates your lymphatic flow, helps by allowing our body to sweat and by sweating our body can also rid toxins. Exercise is a win – win. You will also feel better because it will boost your energy levels.
- “Don’t” think you can eat any kind of processed foods just because they claim to be vegan or vegetarian. Stay away from freezer meals or any kind of processed foods. Now is the time to prepare your meals. Eat plant based, organic if possible and uncooked if you can. “Do” eat dark leafy greens, do green juice at least once a day and include Maca root, Turmeric, Ginger root, cilantro, parsley etc… Do your research if doing it on your own and look for great balanced meals for detoxing. Again this is where a health coach can really help guide you. Make sure you soak your nuts, grains and seeds before consuming them. I will explain more on that in another article. In short it will make them more digestible and better overall for the body.
- “Don’t” stay up late. Oh we live in such a busy world don’t we? I know I have had a hard time with getting 8 hours of sleep. During your detox it is so very important to get 8 hours of sleep . “Do” get good sleep 8-10 hours. Why? because the body needs to heal, release toxins, hormones to repair tissue etc. sleep is just one of the keys to a well cared for body. If you have trouble sleeping may I suggest yoga for sleep (youtube this) listening to peaceful music. I love meditation for good sleep myself.
- “Don’t” starve yourself! You may think the only thing you can eat is rabbit or bird food but that is wrong. You can eat so many good healthy foods and easy meals. I personally can help you with that. You just need to adjust your normal habits of eating and again this is where planning ahead comes into play. I will give you an example of one of my days from when I detoxed. I started my day with 2 Waters one of them was a warm mug with lemon, bowl of my homemade coconut yogurt with raw granola,water, bananas, berries and almonds, snack handful of my own trail mix blend and water, I was still hungry ate a yellow apple with my own almond butter and water, lunch – rainbow salad (this means romaine lettuce, purple cabbage, avocado, tomato, cucumber, walnuts, grapes) and water, midday I had a green juice and then also water, dinner I ate black bean lettuce wraps, my own salsa and cauliflower rice.. and water, my dessert was strawberry chia pudding with strawberry infused water. I hope by this you can see I didn’t go hungry nor did I starve my body in anyway. During the detox you need to make sure you are keeping your body hydrated and fueled to do what it needs to do.
- “Don’t” not take your vitamins and or supplements… You need Vitamins/Minerals everyday and especially during your detox……BUT it’s so very important you know what your taking. The FDA does not regulate vitamins and supplements. It’s important to know what your ingesting before you do. I can help you with this I do have some I recommend more than others but can not write about it because they do have a regulation on that.. GO FIGURE? Anyway look at the ingredients on the label is your product GMO FREE? does it have heavy metals in it? What is the binder of the supplement? How about are there carcinogens in your supplements? Use this time to awaken yourself and learn more about what your ingesting or putting on your body.
- “Don’t” use perfumes, makeup, body wash, lotions and yes even makeup that are toxic and full of terrible chemicals. Your skin is the largest organ on your body and needs to be kept free of toxins as well. “Do” your best to use this time to research and discover all natural products for yourself and even make your own. I can teach you… :-)
- “Don’t” fill your home with toxins for goodness sakes your breathing the air and absorbing these toxins in your body as well. Did you realize that? “Do” buy products that are chemical free and safe. DO make your own using essential oils and natural cleaners. I do this and let me tell you they work way better and are cheaper and far more effective… and safe for my family and dog.
- “Don’t” stay busy and occupied. You need to emotionally detox during this time. You need to daily take even 10 minutes I suggest 20 minutes though and “DO” meditation or even yoga. Maybe you just sit quietly somewhere and just be still and clear your mind, Release any built up emotions and if you feel anything negative let it go.. forgive people who have hurt you but forgive yourself also for anything related to oneself during this quiet time.
- “Don’t” ignore your feet during your detox and many of my clients life when we discuss this. I know most of us ignore our feet but did you know the largest pores on our body are on our feet? It’s true so what can the mean to us during a detox? It means we can utilizes our feet to help us get those unwanted toxins out. which is my “DO” I do suggest doing a foot soak here is what I suggest:
- 2 tablespoons bentonite clay
- 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
water to thin mixture (if needed) - 1/2 cup epsom salt
- 6 quarts of hot water not scalding but as hot as you can stand it.
- A few drops of essential oils optional and again don’t use any essential oils as they are not all the same. I can talk to you more about that is interested.
- Soak your feet for 15 minutes then use a body brush for any dead skin removal or rub with a clean rag.
- “Don’t” hold those emotions in. “Do” journal this time through especially do this for yourself. You should write down every day how you’re feeling, How the food is effecting your body, How your emotions are. Write down your dreams, what may keeping coming up in your mind. Keep in mind your body is trying to get rid of toxins and you will find this is emotional toxins as well. “Do” write yourself a letter and myself I did this daily. I wrote and suggest this to my clients write down at the end of the day maybe even in bed take a minute and write how you feel and what comes to mind once you start writing it will flow and in the morning or that night either safely burn it or shred it and throw away and say I release all these negative thoughts and emotions. Then take a deep breathe and go on to bed. You’ll sleep better probably too.
- “Don’t” please, do not plan to detox and then celebrate with binge eating your favorite bad foods. “Do” celebrate that you have successfully helped your body remove some toxins but become aware that you can easily incorporate adding a green juice daily to your diet to help and or do any of the things on this list. Do take more action in creating a more toxic free zone and take care of yourself. You have but 1 body and 1 life. Love the body your in and love yourself daily.
Rene’ Spires CHHC & AADP certified
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