Coaching Services

Health Coaching is available , I will guide, support  and reinforce you the client on your decisions to: improve weight, manage stress, exercise, eat healthy, be tobacco-free, and so much more.  

Through my guidance, motivation, and education, my health coaching practice has helped my clients make positive adjustments to their lifestyles in order to achieve their health-related goals that they stated were important to them.  Each individual will receive personal attention and I personally help my clients  set reasonable goals at a pace that will set them up for success.
Health Coaching services include:
  • One-on-one coaching consultations (in person or Zoom online)
  • Individualized goal setting unique to each participant's needs and health risks
  • Develop action plans towards achieving one’s goals
  • Consistent follow-up 
  • Resources and materials relevant to a participant's goals, interests, or health risk areas   
  • Someone to hold you accountable and cheer on your success!
I invite you to schedule a FREE 30-minute Wellness Assessment. During this session, we will discuss your health and lifestyle to determine how I can best support you in achieving your goals and which New Seasons Health program may be best suited for you.

To schedule a Health Coaching appointment, please contact New Seasons Health- Rene' Spires at 757-652-7170 or

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